1/3 Using and presenting your data image of a back arrow    image of a forward arrow

The way evidence is presented will depend on who the audience is, but data needs to be presented in a clear and readable format which sets out the findings and, where appropriate, comments upon them.  It is a good idea to write up your findings organised according to the topics of your research using direct quotes to illustrate your points.

For maximum impact, your findings should be presented according to the priorities which apply to the context of the research and/or its audience.

Do NOT impose preconceived theories/ideas or desired outcomes onto the data; be objective and neutral, even when the results that emerge are not what you anticipated (or, not what you desired!!).

Write up your results in a report, set out under headings which reflect the areas of your research, for example, “Most common use of facilities”, “Attitudes to charging”, “Value of access in the library”, “Access to IT at other locations” etc. etc.

You may be presenting the results of:

Different presentation formats

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