8/19 Online Survey Services
Online survey services are an increasingly popular way to create, distribute and analyse quantitative questionnaires. They allow you to create your survey using a survey editor and select from many types of questions (multiple choice, rating scales, drop-down menus, etc). Options available allow you to require answers to any question, control the flow with custom skip logic, and even randomize answer choices to eliminate bias.
Even if you decide not to distribute your questionnaire online you can still use it as an analysis tool by entering the data yourself from the questionnaires you get back from participants.
There are many online survey services to choose from and the choice of who and what to use must be yours. However, there are many similarities and once you have mastered one service it is likely that you will be able to use others easily.
The following pages demonstrate use of two online survey services, SurveyMonkey and Bristol Online Surveys.
The url for Survey Monkey is: http://www.surveymonkey.com
The url for Bristol Online Surveys (BOS) is: http://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/