10/11 Writing up analysed data
You have now been working with your data for some time, you have read and re-read it, and you have coded it into categories and sub-categories according to patterns and themes identified.
You may have conducted simple counts to see if patterns, themes and trends can be grouped according to frequency of occurrence.
You have compared and contrasted the data to establish similarities and differences between the data groups and looked at interrelationships between different parts of the data.
From all this, you have been able to build a logical chain of evidence which now needs to be written up and presented. This will depend on what you have been studying, the type of methods used and the best way to present your findings.
Your study may also include some quantitative data collection which now needs to be analysed. The next part of this tutorial will look at quantitative data, how it is used, any issues for consideration, and guidance on how to analyse your quantitative data.