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Academic Reading- Resources for Staff

Academic reading - the bane of our lives. Students hate it, staff insist that it is essential for academic integrity... and there are continuous moral panics about plagiarism and clunky writing. On these pages we have tried to de-construct academic reading and to suggest strategies - and resources - that link reading to notemaking and to successful writing. We also have a Preventing Plagiarism course for students and additional website for staff (go straight there from here <http://learning.londonmet.ac.uk/TLTC/connorj/WritingGroups/> or via the Activities and resources handout on reading, below) . Please use these resources as they make sense to you - and feel free to adapt in your own teaching.

This page was last updated on March 8th 2011.

Resources for tutors

This resource provides suggestions and practical help for those delivering student workshops and classroom activities relating to academic reading
Watch the staff tutorial

You may also find the following resources helpful. 

Student Handbook

Staff session on reading

Staff using textmapping - video

Theoretical underpinning

Literature Review

Activities for students to use independently

Organise your desk
A visual guide for students to get organised in their study

Resources and activities for students to try out and review

Use your library

Quick reading tips handout

Ten reading tips - longer handout




Need to find out more?

docicon.gifJournals and publications