Home > Resources for Staff > Listening and Interpersonal Skills

Listening and Interpersonal Skills - Resources for Staff

The resources included on this page are designed for you to help your students to assess and develop their listening and interpersonal skills.

Resources for tutors

This resource provides suggestions and practical help for those delivering student workshops/classroom activities.

LIPS_VideoClick on the image to access the resource.

You may also find the following resources helpful when considering listening and interpersonal skills.

NM_VideoNotemaking GW_VideoGroup work

To access full range of tutor resources click here.

Top 3 pick up and go classroom activities


Teaching notes
Questioning styles pdficon.gif pdficon.gif
Observing conversations pdficon.gif pdficon.gif
Listening skills audit pdficon.gif pdficon.gif
Theoretical underpinning

pdficon.gifLiterature review


pdficon.gifCase studies

Activities for students to use independently

lips_staffA self-paced tutorial

Group work activity

For further activities access the student page.