Learning a new skill Mr P has done a 'clueless about computers' course and CLAIT, both using library facilities. CLAIT was an excellent course, and he now has the confidence to use the internet at home (which means he no longer uses the library as often). The free access is very important - he could learn at his own pace without pressure, which was very good. There was always someone available to give advice if needed. Mr J used the facilities to support his LearnDirect course for Frontpage 98. The free access was invaluable as he could only have 15 hours at college. He was unemployed when doing this, but now uses these skills working from home. He has built a web site on tourism using library PCs. Mr T has learned how to search the internet, and now uses it to look for information about holiday destinations e.g. weather. He has learned how to email and shop online. It has been wonderful. Has been through sessions with the freelance tutor in the library. Mrs D used the BBC webwise CD to learn how to use the internet. This has enabled her to search the internet. Without library facilities, she would have had to learn this somewhere else, like college. The library provides continued access to the internet, which she does not have at home or work at the moment. Mr H did a beginner's computer course at Crewe library which gave him the confidence to use other library pcs. The course was a great help and very beneficial. Mrs S now has an ECDL qualification that she would have been unable to gain without access to the library's facilities. Mr B used the library facilities to do the ECDL course. It was very helpful and he could work at his own pace. It has made a big difference and he would not have done it elsewhere. The library was cheaper and very accessible. Mr J used the machines in the open learning centre to learn how to do internet searches and send emails. The centre staff were very helpful, as he found it difficult. Mr G has become more aware of things he didn’t know he could do, especially in word and Photoshop. Miss S has learned how to use a computer, and now has one at home. She feels safe at the library because there is someone to ask for help if she goes wrong. Mr A has familiarised himself with what is available and in order to access it he needed to know how to use computers. The act of using them is a new skill, but he has not learned in the educational sense. Alan had no previous experience of computers. Mr R used the facilities to continue a course in Arabic when his computer broke. He found it good as it was free and provided an hour without his parents breathing down his neck saying “get off the internet”. Miss L has used word to sort out her CV which has been a tremendous help. The free hour is superb. There is plenty of information on how to use the computer and the staff are friendly. Colour printing is very good. It is handy because she works nearby and can go in at lunchtime. Mr S has taught himself how to use the internet. This has been very important to him in pursuing his hobby. He may get his own PC at some point but the free access at the library is very useful. He would be devastated if he could not use it. Mr P has not done a course but set himself a fairly formal learning programme to keep his knowledge of the internet and new techniques up to date. The library provides the access for him to be able to do this. Mr D found the library a quiet place where he could work on his own with no one around, whilst working on the police entry requirement. He was able to concentrate without distractions. Mr S has no other computer access and has been able to teach himself MSOffice applications in the library. Mr J was initially shown how to log on to the internet but has taught himself how to search for information. He has no other access and there is always someone on hand to help. Mr N is using the internet to learn Dutch as he will be working in Holland for several months. None of his colleague speaks Dutch but he has found it is helping. The library is his only real access to computers and has been very useful. He would be dischuffed not to be able to use them. Mr M learned MSOffice on a CLAIT course. He was on the training network but found the library offered a better course with more tuition.