Mr S has used word to type her CV. This made the presentation better then not using word processing. Mrs D looks at vacancies online, as she is currently unemployed. She uses job agency sites and the government job search. Mr B has used the internet to look for information about jobs. He has not found work this way, but finds it useful to look. Mrs S found her current position on Fish4Jobs. She got the information to apply. She was unemployed last year, and has also moved to Holmes Chapel from Macclesfield. Miss H finds access to job sites very useful. She can search without distractions. She has looked up recruitment agency details, which has led to her latest job. She found the internet so useful and interesting that she has bought a PC for home. Mr C looks up information on jobs and companies that he is interested in. This is his only access to the internet and this information. He only uses the library for access to IT, not books. Miss J has not IT access at home, so she would have to ‘pester’ her family to use their PC. The library facilities have made a great deal of difference to finding work. She can book time just to do that, and searches job web sites. It’s really good, she can also apply for jobs online. Joanna uses word to update her CV and type covering letters. Mr P has applied for work online in the past and was successful in getting the job. He is regularly between jobs and finds the library facility very useful at these times. It is particularly important then as he needs to find work but does not have access to the internet. Not having this would be a big blow. Mr D has found the internet a lot better than the job centre. There is no need to ask what’s available, he can just look for something specific. Miss S is a student and looks for work during the holidays. The library is closer to home and more easily accessible for doing this. Miss K has no internet access at home, so the library facility has made a big difference to job hunting. She was successful in getting a job through the internet. She uses the local government sites to find teaching jobs. She can find information she would not be able to get without the internet. Mr G finds job hunting on the internet easier than using a job centre. It’s quiet and he can sit and search at his own page. It is easy to put his CV online and circulate it. Sending letters is easy, he can create generic letters and cut and paste on word. Miss J uses Word to update her CV and produce covering letters. The internet has made a big difference to job-hunting. There is a vast amount of information she can access over a wide area. She can find resources that she could not physically get to. Mr C has found work through using the library computers – “the job centre is useless”. He was able to produce his CV using Word and email it directly to potential employers which was very useful. Mr J uses Word to update his CV regularly. The Job Centre sites are easy to use and less rushed than visiting the Job Centre itself. He can spend more time looking. Mr M found the internet useful for job hunting. He could find all the jobs that would be in the Job Centre with Jobcentre Plus. It was very easy to use.