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Design Project Team Alpha

Minutes of the team meeting

09 November 2008, Jazzmans’ Café


Present: Samuel Goldsmith, Priya Patel, John Richardson, Julie Black

Apologies : Sofia Opara

Welcome: PP welcomes all and states meeting roles this week:

Notetaker: SG, Meeting Chair: PP, Timekeeper: JB

Meeting Purpose: Standard team meeting to discuss project progress.

Previous Actions:

a) Printing costs will now be higher if we use quality ink.

Otherwise costs are on target (£100).

(action) JR to get new quote from printers.

b) We have two options for industry contact:

a. Peter Johnson – BP (Leeds)

b. Sally Rayburn – Shell (Bradford)

All agreed that Bradford is preferable due to travel costs

(action) SG to confirm with Sally.

c) Research indicates that we should concentrate on either wind or tidal power as UK has more potential. Solar power not proven. PP has not yet researched biomass.

(action) PP to research biomass and report back.


Regular Items

                        Project generally progressing well. IT development could be quicker for the website. Coding is not yet complete.

                        JB reports that she may need support with IT as there is more work than anticipated.


(action SG to support JB from Wed)


                        Presentation planning may require additional meeting but this to be decided at next meeting.


New Items

                        PP raises prospect of using role play in presentation.

All agreed that it would improve presentation but SG and JR felt that this may take too long to develop at this stage. It was agreed to complete existing tasks first then return to idea later if there is time.

JB suggests using black felt for poster back. All agreed this would look good. JR is concerned about increase to costs.

(action) JB to get costs. .

JB concerned that SO is still ill and may not be able to complete the poster copy for next meeting as agreed.

All agreed to take responsibility for a section of copy as back‐up. (action) PP to liaise with SO to offer agreed support.



SG reminds group that he has family commitments so cannot attend the next meeting. Update info to be passed to JR to present at meeting.

Next Meetings

a) 10 th November 2008 2-3pm, Library, Meeting room 3

b) 17 th November 2008, 2-3pm, Jazzmans.